
St. James' Settlement

Funeral Navigation Service


  1. To help arranging and performing death duties 
  2. Educate people the knowledge of funeral ceremonies, so they have a better grasp of the end of life 
  3. Promote a positive and open attitude towards death, lowering their fears and worries 
  4. Assist those with financial difficulties to settle the funeral arrangements.

Target Group

  • Elderly aged 60 or above; or 
  • End-stage patients assessed by the service; and 
  • Without support of death arrangement from any local parties 


We mainly help the weak in preparations of their funeral arrangements according to their wishes and preferences.

We also provide the following services:

  1. Elder Photography 
  2. Funeral Knowledge Talks, Exhibitions
  3. Burial Enquiries
  4. Telephone Contact and Visits


Application procedures: Referred by social worker 

Service Type