
The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (Tai Po and North District)

The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals has established the "Farewell at Home" palliative care service program, aiming to provide comprehensive home-based palliative care services for terminally ill patients who choose to stay at home. The program assists them in managing pain and various symptoms, while offering support in psychological, social, spiritual, and practical care aspects. Its goal is to enhance the quality of life for those in the advanced stages of illness, ensuring a dignified passing for the deceased and a meaningful farewell for the living.

Additionally, they also provide end-of-life care for elderly residents in their facilities. Following the service philosophy of "Holistic Care," they offer comprehensive end-of-life care services to elderly individuals currently receiving services at the Tung Wah Nursing Home in Tai Po and North District. The program aims to empower the elderly and their families to make choices regarding end-of-life care and treatment, thereby improving their quality of life and facilitating a peaceful completion of their final journey.

*The information provided is translated and may not be entirely accurate or reliable. 

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